
On the dashboard side, StarkNet provides a number of data relevant to the blockchain and its major coins / protocols.

Here is the list of metrics currently available on starboard, and their definition (more to come):

Total Value Locked (TVL)

Total Value Locked refers to the entirety of the funds deposited on Starknet.

TVL in non-native

Corresponds to Starknet’s TVL without counting the native Starknet tokens.

TVL ranking

Ranking of tokens according to their Total Value Locked on Starknet.

TVL evolution

Starknet's TVL over time.

Total wallets

Number of wallets deployed on the chain since the beginning.

Wallets evolution

Evolution of the wallets’ number deployed on starknet over time.

Daily active wallets

Number of wallet interacting with the chain in one day.

Activity ranking

Wallets' ranking with the highest monthly activity on starknet.

Total transactions (tx)

Number of transactions carried out on the network over a given timeframe.

Deployed contracts

Number of contracts deployed on starknet since the beginning.

Daily transactions

Number of transactions done on starknet in one day.

Total Transfer Volume

Dollar value transferred on starknet over a given timeframe.

Transactions types

Percentage share of transaction types since the beginning (transfers, interactions deployed contracts).

Daily transfer volume evolution

Dollar value transferred daily on starknet.

Total fees

Total value of fees generated by transactions on the network, since the beginning (in $eth).

Estimated Current Fees

Estimation of a transaction's cost at the present time.

Average Fees

Average cost of a transaction over a selected period.

Average Daily Fees

Evolution of the average transaction's cost on starknet.

Total Daily Fess

Fees generated by the chain each day.

Last updated